A comprehensive illustrated guide to the botanical resources of an Egyptian national park

Tamer Mahmoud received his B.Sc. in microbiology from Suez Canal University in 1999. He has been a park ranger in Egypt’s Wadi El Gemal National Park since 2003.
The vegetation in Wadi El Gemal National Park in Egypt’s Eastern Desert is more diverse than might first be expected, but even more surprising is the relationship that the desert dwellers continue to have with the plant life in their habitat, despite the increasing modernization of their world. As a ranger in the park, Tamer Mahmoud quickly realized the importance of surveying, identifying, and documenting the indigenous plants, and recording the information he compiled from interviews with the local community about how they use the plants for food, healing, animal fodder, and fuel. The result is this detailed and colorful guide, which includes photographs of each plant, the scientific name and local name in Arabic and English, and information on location, distribution, uses, and ecology. A glossary, bibliography, visitors’ information section and distribution maps make this a comprehensive reference work that will interest visitors, scientists, anyone interested in the flora of arid areas, and even anthropologists.
The book is very rich with information and colorful photography, But also very well detailed maps, Amazing photographs of each plant, the scientific name and local name in Arabic and English, and information on location, distribution, uses, and ecology.
Tamer Mahmoud was born in Elaim, Sharquiya, Egypt, in 1975. received his B.Sc. in Microbiology from Suez Canal University in 1999 and has been a park ranger in Egypt's Wadi El Gemal National Park since 2003. where he is in charge of the Plans unit and GIS unit. He established the park herbarium and arboretum nursery.
“An invaluable companion to visitors”—Caryll Faraldi, Egyptian Mail
“The wonderful and diverse plant wealth of WGNP is brought to us in Mahmoud’s impressive book” —Caryll Faraldi, Egyptian Mail
“Desert Plants of Egypt's Wadi El Gemal National Park by Tamer Mahmoud is a lovely, full color, soft cover book by the microbiologist who was born in Egypt and has been in charge of plants in this National Park since 2003. He began the herbarium and arboretum in the park. He saw the importance of documenting these plants which have survived hundreds and thousands of years in this flood plane of the Red Sea, even though the area averages 17 millimeters of rain a year and may go a decade with no rain. The indigenous people have found medicinal and food uses for many of these, which he has documented. Each plant has beautiful photos of all stages of life and the text tells common name, description, importance and usage, and where the plant is found, as well as a small map. Wonderful book for botanical study or for a desert souvenir.”—Real Travel Adventures
Author / Photos: Ahmed Fouad